
VMware vCloud Connector 2.6.1 – copy wizard validates vCC Node staging area size

I recently upgraded VMware vCloud Connector from version 2.6.0 to 2.6.1 (check out THIS POST for details) and noticed a cool new feature!

In the previous versions, including v 2.6.0, the pre copy validation did not check the size of the vCC Node staging area – the local disk storage used for the OVF export […]

VMware vCloud Connector Server upgrade

I tried to upgrade VMware vCloud Connector Server but the upgrade got stuck at “Checking for available updates…” and Check Updates button was greyed out even after restarting the vCC Server.

In order to stop vCC from continuing in this state perform the following steps:

In the vCC Server web interface go to the […]

VMware vCloud Connector Server / Node admin account: Unable to authenticate user. Please try again.

I had to re-visit a vCloud Connector environment I built quite a while ago but could not login to neither VMware vCloud Connector Server nor Node with the admin account. I was sure that I did not change the default password (vmware) so was the customer. I also checked that admin account was not locked […]

HOW TO: Unlock admin account in vCloud Connector Server / Node

VMware vCloud Connector server / node locks out the admin account on the vApp if you try to log in with incorrect credentials three times in a row, displaying this error message:

Account locked due to 4 failed logins Login incorrect

Unlock the admin account

Log in to vCloud Connector console as root user (default […]