
VCE Vision vCenter Plug-In upgrade for vCenters in Linked Mode

VCE Vision 2.x has one-to-one relationship with Vblock / vCenter ie if you have two Vblocks / vCenters, you need to install two VCE Vision appliances and link them to the appropriate vCenter.

In my environment I have two Vblocks and their vCenters are configured in Linked Mode for ease of management.

I recently upgraded […]

VCE Vision: How to check Vblock System RCM and Security compliance

Compliance Checker

The Compliance Checker is a Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) based engine that provides compliance audit functionality for a target Vblock System. The Compliance Checker, which you can access using the Plug-in for vCenter, provides a set of criteria that determines Vblock System compliance with a specific content pack.

Available compliance content packs […]

VCE Vision: Changing access credentials for Vblock System components

VCE Vision software retrieves credentials from a configuration file to connect to the Vblock System components. In this way, VCE Vision software can access the components for discovery and health polling.

If the credentials to access a Vblock System component change, you must update the vblock.xml file to reflect that change.

Let’s login to […]

HOW TO: Upgrade VCE Vision

VCE RCM 5.0.5 adds support for the VCE Vision Intelligent Operations v. 2.6.2.

The upgrade procedure includes the following tasks:

Downloading the files you need to perform the upgrade. Installing an upgrade bundle on the VCE Vision virtual machine. The upgrade bundle does the following:

Applies security updates. Updates VCE Vision software, including the VCE […]

VCE Vision, Where is my Vblock?…

What is VCE Vision ™ Intelligent Operations?

Vblock™ Systems provide the world’s most advanced converged infrastructure — bringing together compute, network, storage, and virtualization for efficient and productive cloud computing environments. VCE Vision™ Intelligent Operations software enables and simplifies converged operations by dynamically providing a high level of intelligence to your existing management toolset.

N.B. […]