
EMC VNXe 3200 upgrade completed with error message "The DPE has faulted"

We recently upgraded EMC VNXe 3200 storage array from to (VCE RCM 5.0.10 or 6.0.3). Upgrade completed successfully (the NFS services failed over and back between Storage Processors without any issues and the hosts did not lose connectivity to the storage) but at the last minute we received the following error messages:

“The […]

EMC VNXe upgrade failed: Extracting the image on peer SP

Array: EMC VNXe 3100 Current version – Candidate version –

EMC VNXe firmware upgrade failed at 15% with the following error message:

“Software Update failed: Extracting the image on peer SP The following error(s) caused the software upgrade to fail:

The upgrade has failed. Try rebooting the Storage Processor (SPA) and […]

EMC VNXe Series version

EMC released new software upgrade for VNXe series arrays

VNXe Series Release Notes; VNXe Operating Environment (MR4 – New features and changes

This release includes the following new features or platforms:

Self-encrypting drives Jobs Alert persistence ESRS alerts Technical advisories Link to the EMC Store Writable snapshots for VMware NFS-based datastores Reverse the […]

HOW TO: Upgrade VNXe firmware

These instructions have been performed on EMC VNXe 3100 but should also be applicable to EMC VNXe 3150 and 3300.

Login to VNXe Unisphere; Settings > More Configuration… > Update Software; Click on Obtain Candidate Version Online, you will be redirected to EMC Online Support website where you can download VNXe Operating Environment firmware file […]