This simple PowerShell/PowerCLI script calculates the average CPU, Memory, Network and Disk usage for powered on virtual machines over the last 30 days, 5 minutes interval.
Amend ‘AddDays(-N)‘ and ‘-IntervalMins 5‘ if needed.
Get-VM | Where {$_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn"} | Select Name, Host, NumCpu, MemoryMB, ` @{N="CPU Usage (Average), Mhz" ; E={[Math]::Round((($_ | Get-Stat -Stat […]
Quick Powershell script to add DHCP reservation for a VM on multiple DHCP servers:
Please refer to DHCP Server Cmdlets in Windows PowerShell for more details.
$DHCPservers = ‘DHCP001’, ‘DHCP002’ $Scope = ‘’ $IPaddress = ‘’ $Server = ‘SQL001’ $Domain = ‘internal.vStrong.info’ $VM = Get-VM $Server # $VM.NetworkAdapters.MacAddress returns MAC address in semicolon separated 00:50:56:00:00:00 […]
One of my clients was concerned about the number of virtual machines that were built with Thin provisioned disks. Before they go with the project to inflate all Thin provisioned disks (or migrate to Thick Provisioned Lazy Zeroed) they needed to know how much additional storage they would need.
PowerCLI to the rescue!
Yes, you […]
Just a quick script to export virtual machine inventory:
$report = @() foreach ($DC in Get-Datacenter -Name MyDC){ # Specify Datacenter name if needed foreach ($Cluster in Get-Cluster -Location $DC ){ # Specify Cluster name if needed foreach ($VM in Get-VM -Location $Cluster ){ $row = "" | select DC, Cluster, ResourcePool, VMPath, VMhost, PowerState, […]
I have been asked to write a script to find out who created a particular VM or get a list of VMs that were built in the last N days…
Again, we need to go through the vCenter database and search for a particular event type or name. Cmdlet that is going to help us […]
We all well familiar with the problem with Raw Device Mapped (RDM) LUNs that are used by VMs running Microsoft Clusters Service.
VMware KB: 1016106
ESXi 5.0 uses a technique to determine if Raw Device Mapped (RDM) LUNs are used for MSCS cluster devices, by introducing a configuration flag to mark each device as “perennially […]
I am sure you have been in a situation where there are a lot of old, unidentifiable virtual machine snapshots and no one takes responsibility for creating them. How would you deal with all these “pre install”, “upgrade” or any other meaningless snapshot names without description?
Well, it is easy to find out when snapshot […]
In this tutorial I will be building a custom VMware ISO image that includes VMware vSphere 5.0 Update 2, EMC PowerPath 5.7 P02, Cisco Nexus 1000v VEM and Cisco UCS M81KR VIC fnic and enic drivers.
Download all modules you are planning to add to the image and store them in a folder; You can […]
Small collection of VMware PowerCLI / Powershell scripts and onliners to save time re-typing them:
Get a list of all virtual machines with snapshots and save it to a csv file; # Get-VM | Get-Snapshot | Select-Object VM, Name, SizeMB, Created, Description | Export-Csv c:snapshots.csv # Get a list of virtual machines, guest IP address, […]
The service you will need to start or stop simultaneously on multiple servers is likely to be the SSH (TSM-SSH) service.
Here is how you do it with PowerShell / PowerCLI:
$vCenter = ‘vCenter.vstrong.info’ ; Name or IP address of your vCenter Server $Cluster = ‘Vblock cluster 1’; Name of the cluster Connect-VIServer $vCenter $Scope […]
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