
HOW TO upgrade DELL EMC InsightIQ from to

DELL EMC InsightIQ 4.1.2:

Isilon InsightIQ 4.1.2 Release Notes Isilon InsightIQ 4.1.2 Installation Guide InsightIQ 4.1.2 Administration Guide Isilon InsightIQ 4.1.2 User Guide

Before you begin The root partition of the InsightIQ Linux computer or virtual machine must have at least 502 MB of free space.

[administrator@iiq-01 ~]$ df -kh Filesystem Size Used Avail […]

Isilon InsightIQ and OpenDJ LDAP integration

LDAP integration has been configured on Isilon InsightIQ v. and LDAP groups assigned to the appropriate InsightIQ Roles (admin or read-only). N.B. Nested LDAP group are NOT supported, nested LDAP groups do NOT inherit permissions.

When we tried to login, we received the following error message:

You are not a member of a privileged […]