
HOW TO: Unlock admin account in vCloud Connector Server / Node

VMware vCloud Connector server / node locks out the admin account on the vApp if you try to log in with incorrect credentials three times in a row, displaying this error message:

Account locked due to 4 failed logins
 Login incorrect

Unlock the admin account

  1. Log in to vCloud Connector console as root user (default password is vmware);
  2. Run the following command: pam_tally --user admin --reset.
    vcc001:/ # pam_tally --user admin --reset
    User admin      (1005)  had 5

You can also disable the automated lockout for the admin account or change the number of unsuccessful logons:

  1. Log in to vCloud Connector console as root user (default password is vmware);
  2. Remove or comment out the following line from file /etc/pam.d/common-auth:
    # auth    requisite deny=3
      auth    required
      auth    required

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