
HOW TO: Reset EMC UIM/P sysadmin or root password

By default, the password for EMC UIM/P sysadmin account is ‘sysadmin‘.

Reset sysadmin password in UIM-P - 1

If, for whatever reason, it does not work, ssh or login to the console as root and reset sysadmin password:

login as: root
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
Last login: Wed Feb 20 18:42:28 2013
uim001:~ # cd /opt/ionix-uim/tools
uim001:/opt/ionix-uim/tools # perl
| Password Update Utility                                |
| Available Commands:                                    |
|     [A]uto-Generate All Passwords                      |
|     [C]hange Single Password                           |
|     [S]ychronize from App Server                       |
|     [R]eset the 'sysadmin' account                     |
|     [Q]uit                                             |
Command: R
The 'sysadmin' account has been reset.

Sysadmin password will be reset to ‘sysadmin‘.

What if you don’t remember the root password? Root password gets configured when you deploy UIM/P virtual appliance or, if you don’t remember what it is, follow these instructions to reset it:

  1. Power down UIM/P VA;
  2. Edit UIM/P VM settings;
  3. Options tab, under vApp Options select Properties;
  4. Edit root password and click OK;
    Reset sysadmin password in UIM-P - 2
  5. Power UIM/P VA back on.

Hope this will help.

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