Q: Where can I download EMC Ionix Unified Infrastructure Manager/Provisioning (UIM/P) software?
A: You can download it from EMC Powerlink. You must have permissions to access UIM/P.
UIM/P Documentation download:
Home > Support > Technical Documentation and Advisories > Software ~ E-I ~ Documentation > Ionix Family > Ionix for Data Center Automation and Compliance > Ionix Unified Infrastructure Manager/Provisioning, select software version, e.g. ‘3.2 & Service Packs’.
UIM/P software download:
EMC Powerlink: Home > Support > Software Downloads and Licensing > Downloads E-I > Ionix Unified Infrastructure Manager/Provisioning
EMC Support: https://support.emc.com/downloads/5874_Unified-Infrastructure-Manager-Provisioning
PS The way to remember what letter to go to is to know that the full software name of EMC UIM/P is actually EMC Ionix UIM/P and therefore you need to go to E-I section rather than T-Z.
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