
Networker quick script Mitrend assessment: type: NSR not found

I submitted the output of networkerquick.bat script file to Mitrend for assessment but it got rejected because ‘type: NSR‘ was not found in the output.

This turned out to be an issue with the version of NetWorker server I tried to run the script on. The customer had NetWorker 8.0.1.Build.123 installed which is a DA build and should not be used in a prod environment.

Here is the workaround:

  1. Run nsradmin manually to extract missing ‘p type: NSR‘ data:
    C:>nsradmin -i input > nsradmin.out 2> nsradmin.err
    input – script input file:

    option hidden:on
    p type: NSR
  2. Add content of nsradmin.out to nwquick_nsradmin.out (created by networkerquick.bat)
  3. Zip the content of nwquick folder and upload it to

It may not be a common issue but anyway, it is good to know the CLI syntax for running nsradmin script from an input file.

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