
EMC UIM/P is unable to synchronize adopted VPLEX service

EMC UIM/P displays the following error message:

ID returned is Invalid request – Invalid Disk.key and Disk.uuid and Disk.lun – Must specify one

In /opt/ionix-uim/slm/log/slm.log you can see error similar to:

2014-12-11 10:42:27,464 I TP-Processor22 VcenterImportUtilityService Built import request <ImportRequest name="Management-Cluster" url="" username="SSO_U_UIMP_MGMT_VC_ADMIN" password="oYilo2_Iqv9AUcCkmqF7LF8kRVBfzaLPPJW8AM1MOZfj5FHTcg" path="Management-DC/Management-Cluster"> <Cluster drsEnabled="true" drsAutomationLevel="fullyAutomated" drsMigrationThreshold="1" dpmEnabled="true" dpmEnablement="automated" dpmThreshold="1" haEnabled="true" enableHostMonitoring="true" enableAdmissionControl="false" […]

EMC UIM/P 4.1: Unable to provision VPLEX service

Since version 4.0 EMC UIM/P is able to provision and manage VPLEX Services.

EMC VPLEX is a great product for DR solutions, for more information check out

In my case provisioning VPLEX service was failing with error:

VplexServiceProvisioningService Failed to do frontend masking…

VPLEX was configured as metro cluster so there were 2 Standard […]