The root
and admin
passwords for the EMC ESRS VE virtual appliance are configured during VA deployment, there is no ‘default‘ password.
If you have EMC ESRS VE 3.04 and below installed and lost admin password, you have no other option other than to re-deploy the ESRS VA.
In 3.06+ you can login to the VA console or through SSH as root
and run the following command to reset admin’s password:
login as: root emcsrs001:~ # cd /opt/esrs/webuimgmt-util/ emcsrs001:/opt/esrs/webuimgmt-util # ls passwordAdmin emcsrs001:/opt/esrs/webuimgmt-util # ./ ************************************************************************************************ ******************************************Password Reset Util*********************************** ************************************************************************************************ ------------------------------------------Password Specifications------------------------------- 1. Be 8 or more characters in length, with a maximum of 16 characters 2. Contain at least one numeric character 3. Contain at least one uppercase and one lowercase character 4. Contain at least one special character such as ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ = + [ ] { } ; < > 5. Do not use special characters / ? : , . | ' and " as part of the password ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ************************************************************************************************ ************************************************************************************************ Provide the password to be set for the user admin:Margarin001! Confirm the new password to be set for the user admin:Margarin001! Password has been successfully reset for the user admin
I hope this will help.
Thanks !
Thanks very helpful, I was locked out however had the root Linux password
check the proper entry in/opt/esrs/webuimgmt-util/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/esrsve/cst/lib
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/esrsve/cst/lib
I tried logging in as root, but it asks for root password?
There is no default root password. The password was set when ESRS was deployed.
thanks Dear
Dear all,
I tried to reset the admin password through script execution and the process fails with below message,
“Failed to reset password for the user :admin.[Could not open file for writing] [-9]”
Any ideas?
Thanks so much. Worked like a charm!
THANK YOU!!!! Life saver, didn’t want to have to redeploy.