
EMC UIM/P is unable to synchronize adopted VPLEX service

EMC UIM/P displays the following error message:

ID returned is Invalid request – Invalid Disk.key and Disk.uuid and Disk.lun – Must specify one

In /opt/ionix-uim/slm/log/slm.log you can see error similar to:

2014-12-11 10:42:27,464 I TP-Processor22 VcenterImportUtilityService Built import request
<ImportRequest name="Management-Cluster" url="" username="SSO_U_UIMP_MGMT_VC_ADMIN" password="oYilo2_Iqv9AUcCkmqF7LF8kRVBfzaLPPJW8AM1MOZfj5FHTcg" path="Management-DC/Management-Cluster">
<Cluster drsEnabled="true" drsAutomationLevel="fullyAutomated" drsMigrationThreshold="1" dpmEnabled="true" dpmEnablement="automated" dpmThreshold="1" haEnabled="true" enableHostMonitoring="true" enableAdmissionControl="false" acp="resourcePercentage" acpHostFailoverLevel="3" acpCpuFailoverPercent="25" acpMemoryFailoverPercent="75" vmRestartPriority="high" hostIsolationResponse="powerOff" vmMonitoringStatus="vmAndAppMonitoring" vmMonitoringSensitivity="medium" swapPlacement="vmDirectory" evc="Disabled"/>
<Host name="ESX01.local" username="root" password="SqMSVFxKBBl7UE-hutBk3V8kRVBfMqt6-b0CxeAl4XvPBDHFlQ"/>
<Host name="ESX02.local" username="root" password="SqMSVFxKBBl7UE-hutBk3V8kRVBfMqt6-b0CxeAl4XvPBDHFlQ">
<Disk name="vbb_vplex_general_6" lun="7"/>
<Disk name="LUN1_DS02" uuid="600601601CA03200082EADC08591E211" lun="4"/>
<Disk name="LUN0_DS01" uuid="600601601CA03200F2C926C98591E211" lun="1"/>
<Disk name="LUN1_DS01" uuid="600601601CA03200062EADC08591E211" lun="3"/>
<Disk name="vba_vplex_general_6" lun="5"/>
<Disk name="removeme2" lun="8"/>
<Disk name="vbb_vplex_general_5" lun="6"/>
<Disk name="LUN0_DS02" uuid="600601601CA032000A2EADC08591E211" lun="2"/>
<Disk name="vba_vplex_general_5"/>
<Host name="esx01.local" username="root" password="SqMSVFxKBBl7UE-hutBk3V8kRVBfMqt6-b0CxeAl4XvPBDHFlQ"/>
<Host name="esx02.local" username="root" password="SqMSVFxKBBl7UE-hutBk3V8kRVBfMqt6-b0CxeAl4XvPBDHFlQ"/>

2014-12-11 10:42:27,465 I TP-Processor22 VcenterSyncController Built payload
2014-12-11 10:42:27,465 I TP-Processor22 VcenterImportUtilityService Run import request against VIU instance http://localhost:11881/VcenterImportUtility/importRequest
2014-12-11 10:42:27,492 I TP-Processor22 VcenterImportUtilityService Response status HTTP/1.1 200 OK data Invalid request - Invalid Disk.key and Disk.uuid and Disk.lun - Must specify one
2014-12-11 10:42:27,493 E TP-Processor22 VcenterImportUtilityService Import request id is not a number indicitive of a successful request made but actual workload failed - ID returned is Invalid request - Invalid Disk.key and Disk.uuid and Disk.lun - Must specify one

Note that line:

<Disk name="vba_vplex_general_5"/>

does not have ‘lun=”id”‘

If it’s VPLEX Metro cluster make sure that problematic LUNs (in this case vba_vplex_general_5 on both clusters) has LUN ID 0

Warning! From now on you need to be very careful as incorrect action can cause DL/DU – if you unsure how to perform it STOP at this point!

This can be fixed in many ways but there must be no LUN with id 0 in VPLEX Storage View.

Possible solutions:

  • decommission LUN using UIM/P and provision new one, UIM/P will assign different ID
  • remove LUN ID 0 (please follow VPLEX procedure and VMware KB
  • assign different ID for problematic LUNs

(c) Zbigniew ‘Ziggy’ Misiak

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