
HOW TO: Upgrade VMware vCenter Operations Manager

In my “The Diary of a Keen Upgrader” post I already mentioned the steps required to upgrade vCenter Operations Manager.  I have another environment where vCOPs upgrade was required and I thought I should document it.

The procedure consists of two steps (here):

  1. Upgrade vCenter Operations Manager vApp;
  2. Upgrade the OS to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 to SPx.

Download the upgrade media file from

  • PAK file to upgrade vCOPs vAPP from 5.0.x, 5.6, 5.7 or 5.8
    Name: VMware-vcops-5.8.4-2199700.pak
    Release Date: 2014-10-28
    Build Number: 2199700
  • PAK file to upgrade the OS to SLES 11 SP3 for vCenter Operations Manager 5.8.4
    Name: VMware-vcops-SP3-2191616.pak
    Release Date: 2014-10-28
    Build Number: 2191616

Upgrade vCenter Operations Manager vApp

I will be upgrading vCenter Operations Manager v. 5.7.2 to 5.8.4:

Upgrade vCenter Operations Manager - 0

  1. Open vCOPs administration page https://<vCOPS_UI_VM_IP_address_or_DNS_name>/admin ;
  2. Login as admin;
  3. Click the Update tab;
  4. Click Browse…, select the VMware-vcops-X.X.X-build.pak file, Select Open.
    Upgrade vCenter Operations Manager - 1
  5. Click Update;
  6. Click OK to confirm;
    Upgrade vCenter Operations Manager - 2
  7. vCenter Operations Manager upgrade file will be uploaded to the appliance;
    Upgrade vCenter Operations Manager - 3
  8. Accept the EULA by selecting the check box and click OK;
  9. Click OK to proceed with the upgrade;
    Upgrade vCenter Operations Manager - 4
  10. This will commence the upgrade;
    Upgrade vCenter Operations Manager - 5
  11. You can monitor the status of the upgrade;
    Upgrade vCenter Operations Manager - 6
    The full upgrade log:

    Update attempted on Mon Jan  5 13:37:04 GMT 2015
    Downloading update .............................................. done
    Checking EULA Acceptance ........................................ done
    Checking disk space on '/' in UI VM ............................. done
    Checking disk space on '/' in Analytics VM ...................... done
    Checking disk space on '/data' in UI VM ......................... done
    Checking disk space on '/data' in Analytics VM .................. done
    Extracting package .............................................. done
    Validating update files ......................................... done
    Preparing update environment .................................... done
    Stopping core services .......................................... done
    Stopping administration service ................................. done
    Installing update ............................................... done
    Stopping administration service ................................. done
    Installing update ............................................... done
    Stopping core services .......................................... done
    Installing update ............................................... done
    Starting administration service ................................. done
    Upgrading CapacityIQ database ................................... done
    Upgrading database .............................................. done
    Deleting stale VM entities from database ........................ done
    Starting core services .......................................... done
    Updating obsolete license of vcops for all registered vCenters ... done
    Update tomcat logging configuration ............................. done
    Update operation for included adapters ....................... started
    	Update attempted on Mon Jan  5 14:13:01 GMT 2015
    	Downloading update .............................................. done
    	Checking EULA Acceptance ........................................ done
    	Checking disk space on '/' in UI VM ............................. done
    	Checking disk space on '/' in Analytics VM ...................... done
    	Extracting package .............................................. done
    	Validating update files ......................................... done
    	Installing update ............................................... done
    	Update operation ................................................ done
    Installing vmware-vcops-5.0.0-MPforLogInsight-1.0-1859927.pak ... done
    Stopping core services .......................................... done
    Starting core services .......................................... done
    Importing Dashboards/Templates .................................. done
    Update operation ................................................ done
    Starting administration service ................................. done
    Starting core services .......................................... done
  12. Log in to the Administration portal and verify that the Update tab indicates successful upgrade.
    Last update completed successfully
  13. You might need to refresh the browser to view the updated product version and build number on the Status tab.
    vCenter Operations Manager Info
    Database Version               = 1.0.3900
    Version                        = 5.8.4
    Build                          = 2199700
  14. Log in to the vCenter Server that manages the license for vCenter Operations Manager, and apply the new vCenter Operations Manager 5.8.x license key.
    You must re-apply the new license key in the vCenter Server after the upgrade. If you do not, you will see reduced functionality in the vCenter Operations Manager interface.
  15. If the license has to be reapplied, the services must be restarted.  Go to the Status tab and click on the Restart button.In the Administration portal, navigate to the Status tab and restart all services;
  16. Log in to the vSphere Client or the custom UI to verify that the vCenter Operations Manager interface is displayed properly.

Upgrade the OS to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 to SPx

Upgrade the OS to SLES 11 SP3 for vCenter Operations Manager 5.8.x:

This procedure is applicable when performing an in-place vApp OS upgrade to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 SP3. An OS upgrade is required to run vCenter Operations Manager 5.8.4.

  1. Copy the PAK file (VMware-vcops-SP3-2191616.pak) to the data drive of the UI VM. You can use SCP or WinSCP to copy the file. The file is 3.35 GB so make sure you have the disk resources to copy this into the vApp.  The vApp should have been provisioned with plenty of space, but confirm the sufficient disk space on the underlying physical disk if the vApp was thin-provisioned.
  2. Log on as root (not admin!) to the UI VM console.
  3. Check the root password expiration date verify the password will not expire during the upgrade process.  You can also set the root password to not to expire:
    firstvm-external:~ # chage -l root
      Minimum: 0
      Maximum: 365
      Warning: 7
      Inactive: -1
      Last Change: Oct 20, 2014
      Password Expires: Oct 20, 2015
      Password Inactive: Never
      Account Expires: Never
    firstvm-external:~ # chage -M 99999 -E -1 root
      Aging information changed.
    firstvm-external:~ # chage -l root
      Minimum: 0
      Maximum: 99999
      Warning: 7
      Inactive: -1
      Last Change: Oct 20, 2014
      Password Expires: Never
      Password Inactive: Never
      Account Expires: Never
  4. OPTIONAL: You can check the current version:
    firstvm-external:~ # cat /etc/SuSE-release
    SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (x86_64)
    VERSION = 11
  5. Run the following command on the UI VM to start the upgrade process:
    /usr/lib/vmware-vcops/user/conf/upgrade/ /data/VMware-vcops-SP3-2191616.pak

    This will upgrade both the UI and Analytics VM. Upgrade will start on the Analytics VM and then the UI VM.  The entire process can be quite lengthy. The upgrade process is complete when the command prompt returns on the UI VM console.

    firstvm-external:~ # /usr/lib/vmware-vcops/user/conf/upgrade/ /data/VMware-vcops-SP3-2191616.pak
    Started applying upgrade..
    VMware-vcops-SP3-2191616.pak       100% 3273MB  26.6MB/s   02:03
    Shutting down the listening SSH daemon..done
    Starting SSH daemon..done
    Correct common-auth symlinks
    Shutting down the listening SSH daemon    done
    Starting SSH daemon                       done
    Correct common-auth symlinks

    Confirm the OS has been upgraded:

    firstvm-external:~ # cat /etc/SuSE-release
    SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (x86_64)
    VERSION = 11
  6. Restart the vCOps vApp.
  7. Log back into the vCOps User Interface to verify the service is back up and running.

Upgrade is complete!

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