EMC RecoverPoint 3.5.1 to 4.0 P1 upgrade fails.
During RecoverPoint “Prepare for Upgrade” wizard the RP upgrade ISO file were uploaded to the RPA. The problem was that the file name did not contain the MD5 checksum in the file name, i.e. “rel4.0.SP2.P1_m.29_release_emc.iso
Note from EMC RecoverPointSE Upgrade Guide:
For all options, the ISO file name must be the exact same name as the ISO image that you downloaded or obtained using other means. Renaming the file may prevent the upgrade from working properly.
– incorrect file namerel4.0.SP2.P1_m.29_release_emc_md5_c172e40591efb211daaf9ec1e52d9e87.iso
– correct file name
When we tried to upload the correct file to RPAs, we go the following error message:
“Unable to distribute ISO file. RPA already contains another ISO file, please contact Customer Support.”
How can you remove upgrade ISO image from a RecoverPoint Appliance?
- Login to each RPA as
(default passwordboxmgmt
); - [2]Setup> [8]Advanced options> [6]System internal operations> [1]Run script
- Run the following signed script:
NzUyZWZhNDAyNTdiYTJhMmMyODgxYjcxN2UxOTVhNjcKdW5saW1pdGVkCm5vdF9yZXN0cmljdGVk ClRoZSBpZCBvZiB0aGUgc2NyaXB0IGlzOjI0NjU4ClJlbW92ZSBJU08gZmlsZXMKQnJpYW4KIyEv YmluL3NoIAojSVNPIFNjcmlwdAojUmVtb3ZlcyBJU08gZmlsZXMKcm0gL2hvbWUva29zL2lzby8q Lmlzbwo= #
- Repeat the procedure on another RPA.
login as: boxmgmt Using keyboard-interactive authentication. Password: XXXXXX ** Main Menu ** [1] Installation [2] Setup [3] Diagnostics [4] Cluster operations [5] Shutdown / Reboot operations [Q] Quit DC2 RPA1: 2 ** Setup ** [1] Modify settings [2] Configure repository volume [3] Get remote settings [4] Retrieve previous settings [5] Apply settings [6] View settings [7] Reset settings changes [8] Advanced options [9] Console configuration [B] Back [Q] Quit DC2 RPA1: 8 ** Advanced options ** [1] Clear reservation [2] Unregister reservation [3] Clear persistent reservation [4] Reboot Regulation [5] Storage device customizations [6] System internal operations [7] Security options [8] Register with ESRS gateway [9] Set time via NTP [10] Enable/Disable iperf server [11] Enable/Disable logging of incoming FC headers [12] iDRAC support [B] Back [Q] Quit DC2 RPA1: 6 ** System internal operations ** [1] Run script [2] Run internal command [3] Appliance config params [B] Back [Q] Quit DC2 RPA1: 1 Enter script: NzUyZWZhNDAyNTdiYTJhMmMyODgxYjcxN2UxOTVhNjcKdW5saW1pdGVkCm5vdF9yZXN0cmljdGVk ClRoZSBpZCBvZiB0aGUgc2NyaXB0IGlzOjI0NjU4ClJlbW92ZSBJU08gZmlsZXMKQnJpYW4KIyEv YmluL3NoIAojSVNPIFNjcmlwdAojUmVtb3ZlcyBJU08gZmlsZXMKcm0gL2hvbWUva29zL2lzby8q Lmlzbwo= # Enter your name: admin Script ran successfully The script is: #!/bin/sh #ISO Script #Removes ISO files rm /home/kos/iso/*.iso The output is:
BANG! And the ISO is gone:
Hope this will help.
Very helpful. thanks
When we uploading Recoverpoint update file, we are getting below error
“The md5 on the ISO file is not vaild!”
Kindly update us
Thanks a ton! This is very helpful.
Saved me today. Thanks.